October 20, 2016

Lombok Hidden Trip Wisata Berbasis Komunitas

Harvest activity in Lombok

Lombok Hidden Trip 
Wisata Berbasis Komunitas 

 Sudah tidak dipungkiri lagi pulau Lombok terkenal akan keindahan alam dan lautnya. Wisatawan dari seluruh penjutu dunia selalu menempatkan pulau Lombok kedalam tujuan traveling mereka. Tracking ke Rinjani, surfing, menikmati keindaahan pantai atau hanya ingin bersantai menikmati indahnya sunset merupakan daftar menu yang mereka akan lahap ketika datang ke Lombok. Tapi pernahkan anda berpikir untuk menikmati sesuatu yang berbeda di Lombok? Lombok hidden trip menjawab atas keinginan berwisata tidak hanya mengenai daerah – daerah yang di kunjungi oleh bayak wisatawan. Lombok hidden trip menawarkan suatu bentuk wisata yang berbeda. Menggali keindahan pulau Lombok dari sudut pandang yang berbeda. Lombok hidden trip menggabungkan kegiatan wisata dengan nilai – nilai pendidikan, social, kemanusiaan dan kelestarian lingkungan. Pernahkah terpikir ketika di Lombok anda tidak perlu tinggal di Hotel tetapi bersama penduduk local? Mengunjungi sekolah, ikut mengajar, melihat proses pembuatan tempe, belajar music, bersepeda melihat kehidupan warga local, melihat budidaya madu dan pengolahan sampah. Kegiatan – kegiataan tersebut merupakan tema wisata yang dijalankan oleh Lombok hidden trip. Lombok hidden trip berkerjasama dengan komunitas – komunitas yang ada di Lombok, komunitas – komunitas ini bergerak tanpa suaru mengusahakan perubahan kebaikan dibidang mereka masing – masing. Peran Lombok hidden trip adalah mengajak para wisatawan yang dating untuk lebih sadar bahwa selama berwisata mereka juga bias mendapatkan hal yang bermanfaat ketika selesai. Dengan pendekatan berbasis komunitas, diharapkan harga yang diberikan ke wisatawann juga dengan harga wajar. Keamanan yang terjamin serta fasilitas yang memuaskan. Penasaran ? silahkan mencoba sendiri trip kami.

October 15, 2016


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Join us and experience what it is like to be a teacher in a school in Lombok for a few hours! In this very fun and alternative tour we will take you to a government school so that you can interact with the kids and get to know more things about our schooling system and our society. In order to become acquainted with the students, we have prepared a number of activities in accordance with the teachers’ guidelines which include storytelling, making origami, drawing, or playing other educational games.

Djembe Class 
After our visit to the school, we will drive to the city of Tanjung to meet with a Djembe master from Bali and to join his class. In approximately one hour, you will get to know how to play the Djembe on a basic level. We are sure that after 2 or 3 times you will find your rhythm and have a great times! and also, besides Djembe, you can learn how to play Hang Drum ( a traditional instrument from Switzerland ), Suling ( a traditional flute from West Java ) and Kecapi ( a traditional instrument from West Java ). 

October 14, 2016

Waterfall and Stunning Honey Bee Farm in North Lombok

Senaru Waterfall
We will take you to two beautiful waterfalls (Sendang Gile and Tiu Kelep ) in North Lombok. 

These waterfalls are located in Senaru village and are about 30 meters high. From the entrance gate, it will take us about 200 steps and 15 minutes to reach the first waterfall, Sendang Gile. After that, you can continue for about 30 – 40 minutes to see the second waterfall (Tiu Kelep). Don’t forget to bring your swimsuit, maybe you want to jump in and swim in the pool at the bottom of the waterfall.

Honeybee Farm
After lunch we will visit Lendang Gagak Honeybee Farm. Here, the staff will show you around the facilities
and let you know how the farm is set up. They will also explain how the social structure of hives is organized and how this delicious honey is produced. Of course, At the farm you will get the chance to taste this local sweetness and find out more about the harvesting of the honey.

Important to know is that this farm only has the Trigona bees, the stingless bees, so this is a safe activity even for those of you who are allergic to bee stings. 


Start your day with us to know more about Lombok’s history, culture and religion then you’ve ever known before! We will tell you story about Islam and Hindu, as the two major religions in Lombok. We will talk to you about what’s important in each religion, how the religions came to Lombok, what makes them different and how they are represented here in Lombok!
In the morning, we will visit two Hindu temples. Your guide will tell you all about the temples and tell yo


Next, we will take you to Suranadi Ulon temple. This Temple has 5 pools with spring water and if you are lucky you may see the secred Eel. Every day hindu people take the water from one of the pools, which all have a different function. Why did this temple become very important for hindu people ? your guide has explanation about that.

After finishing with the hindu temples, we will take you to Madrasah Sayang Ibu Islamic boarding school, “the school of life”. We will start off with lunch and continue with a tour of the school. You will get the chance to talk to one of the teachers about Islam and what it means to be Muslim. You will also get the chance to talk to the students there. You can tell them about your life, share your knowladge, experiences and give them motivation to reach dreams and hopes. 


BG Community
Start your day with us to visit BG Community. In this place, locals built a project that focuses on waste management, recycling and producing non-timber forest products. Your guide will explain about waste sorting process, the fruits and vegetables that they are growing, about their non-timber forest products, and about the different animals that they are taking care of.
On the other hand this community takes scraps of fabric that were donated to the project and turns them in beautiful handbags, make-up bags, wallets and cell phone covers. These are all made for about 80% out of waste! A great example of how recycling can provide beautiful handmade products! 

The Griya Lombok
After this, we will take to The Griya Lombok. Since 2010 The Griya Lombok has focused on recycling waste paper. You will get the chance to see how waste paper is turned into artistic pottery and handicraft. Besides that, you will get the chance to try to make the handicraft from waste paper. while you are busy with to finishing your handicraft, we will serve your lunch here.